August 27, 2013

Guess Who's Back

Long story short, I have been without a computer since my last blog post, so naturally, the blog fell to the wayside.  I have missed it.  I now have a computer to use and am back at it!  For my return post I thought I'd just fill out one of these cool surveys before I get fully back into the posts!!  I am fully aware that you want to know 25 random things about me, because afterall, you have clicked on the link and are here reading this.  

25 Random Things about Me:
1. I dearly love my big crazy family, so.much.  I believe that blood is thicker than water.  
2. As I type this, I am sitting on our new hammock that swings over the river that runs through our backyard on a cool Sunday morning. Listening to the birds and crickets make song.  And trying to keep from getting thrown off by the cave babies.
3. My overwhelming desire and biggest dream in my life has always been to be a mom of a large family, barefoot and pregnant, with lots of kids running around the yard on a summer evening catching fireflies with ice cream dripping off their hands and faces.
4. After bearing and rearing twins as a first time mom, it didn't take me long to realize I had a very idealistic view of motherhood.  I tend to be very idealistic.  I've constantly been humbled (and had a rapid decline in functioning brain cells) as I've reared our children. And the old adage is so true. It takes a village to raise a child.  It takes 3 villages to raise twins.  (Really large villages).
5. I cannot start my day without coffee.  I had a very sweet roommate who would bring me a cup of coffee every morning while I was still asleep and sit it by my bed for me to wake up to the smell of a fresh hot cup of coffee.  I miss her and her sister who was our other roommate.  Great memories from those years that always warm up my heart.  
6. I am extremely indecisive.  I drive myself crazy with this character flaw.  It doesn't take one person long to be around me to learn this about me.  I apologize in advance.  
7. I love good food, good wine, seafood, date nights, girls nights, time alone, running, photography, the beach, the mountains, the lake, a clean house, fresh air, a good breeze, golf carts, boat rides, writing, spending the days with friends and family, and healthy eating.  Plus a lot more.
8. I love to laugh.  Dry humor is my style.  I really love the kind of laughter that leaves your belly hurting and tears streaming down your face.  Thankful for the people in my laugh that bring out this kind of laughter in me!
9.  I love fresh flowers.  I would have them in every room of my house if I could.   
10. I love SUV's.  I will  
11. My husband is my rock.  For real.  He's the most steadfast and patient man I've ever met.  We share our alma mater. He's just got a few years on me there.  
12. I love house remodeling.  Now to just win the lottery, because Im tired of the DIY.  
13. I love hosting overnight guests.  And cocktail hour guests.  Yall come on now.  
14. I love all the seasons equally! I love summer – and getting a tan, spending time on the lake and at the beach. I could do without the humidity. I love the fall crisp air and football season, I love winter and the beautiful snow and warm fires. Could do without the sub freezing temps.  Ilove spring with the perfect temps as the seasons change.  The first part of each season is my favorite because its so renewing and refreshing to have the change. Granted in the south we usually only have 1.5 seasons a year rather than 4. 
15. One of my biggest pet peeves is when people take their frustrations out on someone who is totally undeserving and unrelated to the frustration at all.  
16. I really struggle with taking my frustrations out on people who are undeserving and unrelated to the frustration to begin with.  Dangit.  
17. I LOVE crossing items off my to do list.  
18. I really really really love to see our routine on paper.  I love to create schedules and routines and be organized.  SUPER NERD!
19. Since the beginning of time, one of the most cherished times for me is cuddling with my babies in footed flannel pjs!  I still dress them in them now just so we can sweet cuddle.  
20. I thrive on socializing with empathetic friends!  I read something that really hit home with me where a mom mentioned that since having children her friendships have changed drastically, because she just couldn't continue to have friendships with people who were judging her as a mother and didn't get it.  So I joined the Moms of Twins Club and have found some real kindred spirits who will just wrap your crazy self up in their wings and help you fly, as soon as they meet you!!
21. There is nothing on earth sweeter than the feeling of  your child's little hands holding your face, or their arms wrapped tightly around your neck in a loving embrace.  
22. I get easily addicted to things like reality TV, Pintrest, and Houzz.  
23. I used to love cooking.  That was so long ago I can't remember when I stopped liking to cook.  
24. I am still friends with a handful of people that I've been friends with now for 25 ish years.  That's wildly a good thing.  The older you get, the more you need the people who knew you when you were young :>)
25. Through every phase in my life, God has blessed me richly with at least one solid good soul who has helped me navigate the waters , tread gently back home, and laugh along the way.  For that I am immensely grateful to God and my friends and family for all they've done for me through these years.  
Thanks for stopping by to read a piece of my crazy self.  I look forward to being back at the blog.  Its therapeutic for me. And yes, we are still Paleo.  

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