January 28, 2013

Its the Simple Things in Life

It really is.  Also, if you don't know this about me already, you'll figure it out pretty quickly.  If I'm having a difficult time expressing myself in words, I usually will go to songs (usually country songs) and pull lyrics out to express what I am trying to say.  I love country music because of the way it exposes real life in such a raw form.  The title of this post is from a Kenny Chesney song.  LOVE HIM! 
So anyways.  The simple things in my life.  Our days have a pretty routine flow to them, and for that I am thankful.  I thrive on routines and schedules.  I don't do well without a plan.  That's why I was an ICU nurse before I was a full time mom of twins/housewife/etc. I had my little routine mapped out that I followed day in and day out.  Now of course there were plenty, sometimes it seemed like most, days that were totally chaotic and nothing happened according to my plan, but that aspect of a routine has followed me into this season of life. Back then I had to prioritize and time manage or you'd never last in an ICU setting.  I remember when my babies were, well, tiny babies, and saying that God prepared me to be a stay at home mother of twins by having me be an ICU nurse first.  There's a lot of planning and time management and prioritization skills necessary to raise twins when you have the same amount of resources that we do.  And most days I still feel a little lot crazy, and am constantly having to review and change the "routine" and priorities. 
The routine flow of the days we have right now is school in the morning for Bam and Pebbles.  I typically get a shower and dressed/made up for the day before I take them, and on a really good day, Cave Daddy and I get to have a cup of coffee and either read or talk by the fire before they wake up.

While dropping off, I find myself seriously blessed to have a 5-10 min sweet conversation with one or two of the other moms, that always leaves me feeling very encouraged. While they are at school, I usually spend the first half of the week getting errands/shopping done, and the second half of the week catching up on laundry and dishes :>)  After school we usually get a short but wonderful visit with a good friend for a few minutes, (and a lot of times on Wednesdays we get a long visit and lunch with her and her children, and my kids and I are always changed for the better for the time we've spent with them!) then we have lunch and the babies nap.  During naps I just get stuff done- whatever I need to get done without the help of toddlers, I do during naptime.  That might be a nap one day, prepping meals one day, healing heart wounds the next day, paying bills, dusting, whatever the pressing needs of the day are that I need to do alone, I do while the babies sleep. And this is almost always when I have my "quiet time", my time alone in God's word.
After naps we do snacktime, laundry (they help and love it) and sometimes dishes.  We always do something "fun" for some part of the time between naps and when I start cooking supper.  If I can help it whatsoever, that "fun" time is outdoors time.  Lots of days its the playground, some days its walking around the neighborhood.  When its time to cook the babies just play around the house, then Daddy gets home! The evening routine is like every other parent of toddlers I am sure (play with Dad, eat supper, take baths, read books, and bedtime). 
This weekend has been especially good.  Friday night the kiddos got to spend the night with their grandparents.  I didn't even tell them until after naps Friday because I knew they'd be so geared up with excitement.  And they were.  They just kinda started screaming their grandparent's names and running around the house with laughter and excitement and smiles when I told them they were spending the night over there.  Cave Daddy and I went on a quiet little date for Greek food and red wine, then came home and made a pallet on the den floor to sleep by our warm fire :>) Thats one of those memories I'll tuck away deep in my heart to pull out on the bad days, and on the good days.
  In college, one of my best friends/roommates and I were both nurses and working night shift.  Many, many days, we would come home around 8 am and eat Ramen noodles, or, I have no idea what, light a candle that smelled like something baking in the oven, turn on a movie, and make an awesome pallet, and sleep til 5 pm when it was time to get up and go to work again.  Can you tell that I really do have the best moments in life tucked in my heart, and never forget them? 
Saturday morning Cave Daddy and I went goose hunting.  It was 32 degrees outside when were getting dressed at 5 am.  Good thing I figured out a long time ago how to dress for that weather when it came to early morning, long distance runs.  I think I had 5 upper body layers and 3 lower body layers, plus his insulated hunting boots.  I was NOT cold but quite comfortable.  It was another exhilarating experience for me, just to sit on the water and watch all the shades of color changing over the pond.  I got some amazing pictures, that I am going to have to post separately.  Wait for it!  We did not bring home a goose today- but we brought home great memories. Call us cavemen, but our hunting trips really are a great time of bonding for us :>)
After the hunt we picked up the kiddos, came home and napped.  After naps, we took the kids to the zoo.  The zoo is currently not only my kids favorite place, but because they love it so much, I now do, simply because I love watching their fascination.
That evening we grilled bacon wrapped goose, venison tenderloins, home cooked sweet potato fries, and had a salad on the side, with homemade honey mustard dressing.  Spending so much time outdoors on Saturday really noticed a difference in all of our demeanors and energy levels/ moods. What a great Saturday for this family.
Our little cave people kept begging for "more goose!"  I love to hear those words coming out of their mouth.  They also tore up the venison.  One thing I have learned with toddlers is that, it might take a bit of time for them, but they will eventually learn to eat what you serve them and develop taste buds for new things!
Coming soon on the blog, photography from our hunt, full recipe for our breakfast smoothie that includes measurements, and a recipe for my favorite sorbet!  Happy Monday yall!  Don't forget that laughing and being thankful improves your mood by 25% immediately!!

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