April 16, 2014

Green Smoothie. Preschooler Tested. Preschooler Approved.

Feeling tired?
Feeling like you've got a cold or some other sickness knocking on your door?
Feeling simply blah and want to feel a power punch of health?

Over vacation, we drank a lot of power smoothies. I love to feed my family high quality, clean, nutrient packed meals, but let's be honest. When there's only one of me during an average week... we're still working on finding a routine that is simplified and flowing.  So, on vacation, I find myself cooking or preparing meals and snacks much more often than I do at home, because I love to do it and have the time. And it's truly restful to me to get creative in the kitchen!  Recipe at bottom of post.  

1 whole avocado
4 packets Stevia
3 cups fresh raw spinach
3 cups Unsweetened almond milk
2 cups frozen fruit. (I use a mixture of blueberries, cherries, strawberries, bananas, oranges, pineapple)

I like to layer the ingredients to make sure I get a good mix.
1. Peel and slice the avocado and fruit.
2. Chop or tear the spinach into tiny pieces. 
3. Layer as follows :fruit, spinach, 1 packet of stevia, avocado. Repeat for at least 3 layers.
4. Pour the almond milk over top.
Blend on high until there are no pieces of fruit or spinach left.  Makes 4 servings.

Pour and enjoy.

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